Lilith Abrahamyan Empson, MD, MERc, Service de psychiatrie Générale, CHUV
Franck Bellivier, Professor, Ministerial delegate For Mental Health and Psychiatry, France | Professor of adult psychiatry, head of department, AP-HP et Université Paris
Dr. Rachel Bocher, Psychiatrist, Head of department Chu Nantes, Présidente intersyndicat National des PH et HU, Rapporteur Commission ‘Villes et Santé Mentale’ Nantes Métropole
Philippe Conus, Professor, Head of the General Psychiatry Department, Centre Hospitalier Universitaire Vaudois, Lausanne
Monica Coralli, Architect-urban planner, Lecturer-researcher EAMAU (Lomé, Togo), member of the ‘Laboratoire Architecture Anthropologie’ (LAA), CNRS-UMR 7218 LAVUE
Helen Daly, Thrive London, Research, Insights & Evaluation Lead
Jérome Favrod, Honorary HES Professor, La Source school of Nursing, Lausanne
Sandra Feal, Director of the Groupe dʹAccueil et dʹAction Psychiatrique, Vaud (Graap-Fondation)
Grégoire Junod, Mayor of Lausanne
Loan Nguyen, Photographer & Performer, Lausanne
Francesco Panese, Professor, Faculty of social and political science & Faculty of biology and medicine, l’University of Lausanne
Jenny Roe, Professor, Director of the Center for Design & Health in the School of Architecture, University of Virginia | Honorary Professor, Urban Institute, Heriot Watt University, UK
Jean-Luc Roelandt, Psychiatrist, EPSM Lille-Métropole
Johanna Rolland, Mayor of Nantes
Ola Söderström, Professor, Institute of geography, University of Neuchâtel
Josiane Tantchou, Research Fellow IRD/CNRS | Institute of African Studies, University of Ghana (affiliate)
Aurélie Tinland, Psychiatrist and researcher in public health, Marseille
Marc Winz , Research fellow, Institut de géographie, Université de Neuchâtel | CHUV