
Call for Abstracts

Call for abstracts - Cities and mental health : sharing the question and solutions

The aim of the 2024 edition of the Cities and Mental Health conference is to move beyond declarations of intent on mental health in urban environments, and to share and discuss initiatives in cities in the global North and South that participate in making urban spaces better for mental health. While the first day of the symposium will consist of plenary lectures, the morning of the second day will be devoted to the “cities forum”, where those who wish can present their initiatives in urban mental health. This provides an opportunity for exchanging and sharing experiences and solutions from a wide range of both geographical and disciplinary backgrounds.

The call for contributions is open to authors from a wide range of fields: public administrations, associations working in the field of mental health, mental health professionals (social workers, mental health peer practitioners, psychiatrists, psychologists, etc.), geographers, public health researchers, etc.

Proposals must be submitted by september 27th, 2024.

The content of these workshops will be summarized in the following plenary session by rapporteurs. This will enable key arguments to be shared and cross-cutting issues to be discussed after the workshops.

We invite proposals to address one of the following themes.

  1. Grassroots initiatives
    This workshop is devoted, on the one hand, to the actions of associations or citizens’ movements to promote urban mental health or the rights of those concerned (services users, experiential experts, peer practitioners in mental health, family carers, etc.) and, on the other, to studies by researchers on such citizen mobilizations.
  2. Partnerships with service users and those who support them
    This workshop is devoted to the various forms of partnership between municipalities, service users and those who support them (experts by experience, peer practitioners in mental health, family carers) in actions aimed at urban mental health. It will also welcome contributions concerning these partnerships in the field of urban mental health research.
  3. Designing cities for mental health
    This workshop is devoted to initiatives aimed at transforming the city: its public spaces, green spaces, sensory atmospheres, opportunities for socializing (or other) aimed at promoting the mental health of its residents. It will also provide an opportunity to present research on these aspects.
  4. Distributed care in cities
    This workshop is devoted to innovative formal and informal care initiatives in urban environments: community care centers, mobile teams, self-managed places, etc. It will also host research on these new forms of organizing mental health care in cities.

Language: French and English

The proposal must include :

  • An abstract (max 250 words) with a title;
  • A list of authors and their affiliations;
  • A brief biographical note (max 40 words);
  • Five key words.